Danny Kirwan


Is Danny Kirwan Dead or Still Alive? Danny Kirwan Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Kirwan

Danny Kirwan Death

Danny passed away on June 8, 2018 at the age of 68 in London, United Kingdom.

Danny Kirwan death quick facts:
  • When did Danny Kirwan die?

    June 8, 2018
  • How old was Danny Kirwan when died?

  • Where did Danny Kirwan die? What was the location of death?

    London, United Kingdom

Danny Kirwan Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Kirwan was born on May 13, 1950 and died on June 8, 2018. Danny was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 13, 1950
Date of Death: June 8, 2018
Age at Death: 68

Danny Kirwan - Biography

Daniel David "Danny" Kirwan (born 13 May 1950) is a British musician whose greatest success came with his role as guitarist, singer and songwriter with the blues rock band Fleetwood Mac between 1968 and 1972.
In the late 1970s Kirwan's mental health deteriorated significantly and since then he played no further part in the music industry. During the 1980s and 1990s, he endured a period of homelessness while living in London. In a 2009 BBC documentary about Peter Green, Clifford Davis blamed Kirwan's mental deterioration on the same incident that is alleged to have damaged Green's mental stability—a reaction to LSD taken at a party at a commune in Munich in late March of 1970. Davis said, "Peter Green and Danny Kirwan both went together to that house in Munich, both of them took acid as I understand it, [and] both of them, as of that day, became seriously mentally ill."

Kirwan died on 8 June 2018. In a statement posted on Facebook, Mick Fleetwood said, "Danny’s true legacy, in my mind, will forever live on in the music he wrote and played so beautifully as a part of the foundation of Fleetwood Mac, that has now endured for over fifty years. Thank you, Danny Kirwan. You will forever be missed!" An obituary in The New York Times noted that Kirwan's former wife Clare Morris said he died in his sleep "after contracting pneumonia earlier this year and never fully recovering from it."