Deputy Logan


Is Deputy Logan Dead or Still Alive? Deputy Logan Birthday and Date of Death

Deputy Logan

Deputy Logan Death

Deputy Logan passed away on October 31, 1988 at the age of 36 in Haddonfield,Illinois.

Deputy Logan death quick facts:
  • When did Deputy Logan die?

    October 31, 1988
  • How old was Deputy Logan when died?

  • Where did Deputy Logan die? What was the location of death?


Deputy Logan Birthday and Date of Death

Deputy Logan was born on March 8, 1952 and died on October 31, 1988. Deputy Logan was 36 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 8, 1952
Date of Death: October 31, 1988
Age at Death: 36

Deputy Logan - Biography

Deputy Logan went with Sheriff Ben Meeker on Halloween night 1988, to the Carruthers' home to investigate the house after Sam Loomis had came to town warning them that Michael was back and looking for his niece Jamie Lloyd. They discovered that the family dog Sundae was dead. Meeker told Logan to stay at the house just in case the Carruthers came in at a later time while they tried to find the girls. Logan later heard that most of the police force was murdered by Myers. Logan contacted Meeker who told him to head over his home. Unknown to Logan, Michael Myers was hiding in the backseat.