Dorothy Harvey


Is Dorothy Harvey Dead or Still Alive? Dorothy Harvey Birthday and Date of Death

Dorothy Harvey

Dorothy Harvey Death

Dorothy passed away in 1982 at the age of 75.

Dorothy Harvey death quick facts:
  • When did Dorothy Harvey die?

  • How old was Dorothy Harvey when died?


Dorothy Harvey Birthday and Date of Death

Dorothy Harvey was born on April 15, 1906 and died in 1982. Dorothy was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 15, 1906
Date of Death: 1982
Age at Death: 75

Is Dorothy Harvey's father, Charles E Harvey, dead or alive?

Charles E Harvey's information is not available now.

Is Dorothy Harvey's mother, Dorothy E Everett, dead or alive?

Dorothy E Everett's information is not available now.

Dorothy Harvey - Biography

Spouse's Name Dorothy Jeanne HarveySpouse's Age 20Spouse's Gender FemaleSpouse's Birth Year 1906Spouse's Father's Name Charles E HarveySpouse's Mother's Name Dorothy E EverettDorothy Jean Harvey