Dwan Hurt Death
Dwan passed away on November 25, 2016 at the age of 53.
Dwan Hurt death quick facts:
When did Dwan Hurt die?
November 25, 2016How old was Dwan Hurt when died?
Dwan Hurt Birthday and Date of Death
Dwan Hurt was born in 1963 and died on November 25, 2016. Dwan was 53 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1963
Date of Death: November 25, 2016
Age at Death: 53
Dwan Hurt - Biography
Dwan Hurt (c. 1963 – November 25, 2016) was an American basketball coach and dean at Junipero Serra High School, was named 2010 State Coach of the Year by Cal-Hi Sports; Daily Breeze Coach of the Year 2010; and coached his high school alma mater, the Serra Cavaliers, to the 2010 California Interscholastic Federation Division III Boys Basketball State Championship. He also led Serra to State Division IV title in 1993. Hurt died in his sleep on November 25, 2016.