Edie Sedgwick


Is Edie Sedgwick Dead or Still Alive? Edie Sedgwick Birthday and Date of Death

Edie Sedgwick

Edie Sedgwick Death

Edie passed away on November 16, 1971 at the age of 28 in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Edie's cause of death was barbiturate overdose (accidental or suicidal).

Edie Sedgwick death quick facts:
  • When did Edie Sedgwick die?

    November 16, 1971
  • How did Edie Sedgwick die? What was the cause of death?

    Barbiturate overdose (accidental or suicidal)
  • How old was Edie Sedgwick when died?

  • Where did Edie Sedgwick die? What was the location of death?

    Santa Barbara, California, USA

Edie Sedgwick Birthday and Date of Death

Edie Sedgwick was born on April 20, 1943 and died on November 16, 1971. Edie was 28 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 20, 1943
Date of Death: November 16, 1971
Age at Death: 28

Is Edie Sedgwick's father, Francis Minturn Sedgwick, dead or alive?

Francis Minturn Sedgwick's information is not available now.

Is Edie Sedgwick's mother, Alice Delano De Forest, dead or alive?

Alice Delano De Forest's information is not available now.

Edie Sedgwick's sisters :

Edie has 4 sisters:
  • Pamela Sedgwick
  • Alice Sedgwick
  • Susanna Sedgwick
  • Katharine Sedwick

Edie Sedgwick's brothers :

Edie has 2 brothers:
  • Robert Minturn Sedgwick
  • Jonathan Sedgwick

Edie Sedgwick - Biography

Edith Minturn "Edie" Sedgwick was an American heiress, socialite, actress, and fashion model. She is best known for being one of Andy Warhol's superstars. Sedgwick became known as "The Girl of the Year" in 1965 after starring in several of Warhol's short films in the 1960s. She was dubbed an "It Girl", while Vogue magazine also named her a "Youthquaker".