Edwin Astley


Is Edwin Astley Dead or Still Alive? Edwin Astley Birthday and Date of Death

Edwin Astley

Edwin Astley Death

Edwin passed away on May 19, 1998 at the age of 76 in Goring, Oxfordshire, England, UK.

Edwin Astley death quick facts:
  • When did Edwin Astley die?

    May 19, 1998
  • How old was Edwin Astley when died?

  • Where did Edwin Astley die? What was the location of death?

    Goring, Oxfordshire, England, UK

Edwin Astley Birthday and Date of Death

Edwin Astley was born on April 12, 1922 and died on May 19, 1998. Edwin was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 12, 1922
Date of Death: May 19, 1998
Age at Death: 76

Edwin Astley - Biography

Edwin Astley (1922—1998) was a British composer, occasionally credited as Ted Astley. His best known works are British television themes and scores, most notably the theme to The Saint, and Danger Man. He also successfully diversified into symphonic pop and an arrangement of his Saint theme reached number five in the UK Singles Chart.