Eleonora Gaggero


Is Eleonora Gaggero Dead or Still Alive? Eleonora Gaggero Birthday and Age

Eleonora Gaggero

How Old Is Eleonora Gaggero? Eleonora Gaggero Birthday

Eleonora Gaggero was born on November 20, 2001 and is 23 years old now.

Birthday: November 20, 2001
How Old - Age: 23

Eleonora Gaggero Death Fact Check

Eleonora is alive and kicking and is currently 23 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Eleonora Gaggero - Biography

Eleonora Gaggero was born on November 20, 2001 in Genova, Italy. She is an actress, known for Unique Brothers (2014) and [[Alex & Co.[[ (2015).Eleonora Gaggero Actress - Date of Birth 20 November 2001, Genova, Italy - Italian actress known for playing the role of Stella in the 2013 movie Fratelli Unici. She's also known for playing Nicole in the Disney show Alex & Co.Before Fame She started dancing when she was three-years-old and she started doing commercials in 2011.Trivia To help combat her shyness, her parents enrolled her in acting and speaking classes when she was young, where she ultimately discovered her passion for the craft.Family Life She grew up in Genoa and has a younger sister named Veronica.Associated With She's starred alongside Leonardo Cecchi in Alex & Co.