Elizabeth Montgomery


Is Elizabeth Montgomery Dead or Still Alive? Elizabeth Montgomery Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Montgomery

Elizabeth Montgomery Death

Elizabeth passed away on May 18, 1995 at the age of 62 in Los Angeles,CA,USA. Elizabeth's cause of death was colorectal cancer.

Elizabeth Montgomery death quick facts:
  • When did Elizabeth Montgomery die?

    May 18, 1995
  • How did Elizabeth Montgomery die? What was the cause of death?

    Colorectal cancer
  • How old was Elizabeth Montgomery when died?

  • Where did Elizabeth Montgomery die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles,CA,USA

Elizabeth Montgomery Birthday and Date of Death

Elizabeth Montgomery was born on April 15, 1933 and died on May 18, 1995. Elizabeth was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 15, 1933
Date of Death: May 18, 1995
Age at Death: 62

Is Elizabeth Montgomery's father, Robert Montgomery, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Montgomery's father, Robert Montgomery, died on September 27, 1981 as he was 77 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

Is Elizabeth Montgomery's mother, Elizabeth Allen, dead or alive?

Elizabeth Montgomery's mother, Elizabeth Allen, died on September 19, 2006 as she was 77 years old. Her cause of death was kidney failure.

Elizabeth Montgomery's brother :

  • Elizabeth Montgomery's brother, Robert Montgomery Jr, died on February 7, 2000 as he was 64 years old.

Elizabeth Montgomery - Biography

Elizabeth Victoria Montgomery was an American film and television actress whose career spanned five decades. She is best remembered as the star of the TV series Bewitched.