Essi Sainio


Is Essi Sainio Dead or Still Alive? Essi Sainio Birthday and Age

Essi Sainio

How Old Is Essi Sainio? Essi Sainio Birthday

Essi Sainio was born on September 9, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: September 9, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Essi Sainio Death Fact Check

Essi is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Essi Sainio - Biography

Essi Katriina Sainio (born 9 September 1986) is a Finnish footballer, who is currently without a club. She most recently played for SC Freiburg of Germany's Frauen-Bundesliga. She previously played for Turbine Potsdam in Germany and for AIK of the Swedish Damallsvenskan. Sainio began her senior career with Naisten Liiga clubs FC Honka and HJK in her home country. Since making her debut in 2006, Sainio won 45 caps and scored three goals for the Finland women's national football team. A winger who can also play as a full-back, she was part of the Finnish team which hosted UEFA Women's Euro 2009 and reached the quarter-finals.