Fang Jing


Is Fang Jing Dead or Still Alive? Fang Jing Birthday and Date of Death

Fang Jing

Fang Jing Death

Fang passed away on November 15, 2015 at the age of 44 in Taiwan.

Fang Jing death quick facts:
  • When did Fang Jing die?

    November 15, 2015
  • How old was Fang Jing when died?

  • Where did Fang Jing die? What was the location of death?


Fang Jing Birthday and Date of Death

Fang Jing was born on June 1, 1971 and died on November 15, 2015. Fang was 44 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 1, 1971
Date of Death: November 15, 2015
Age at Death: 44

Fang Jing - Biography

Fang Jing (方靜) (born June 1971) is a famous TV anchor for China's China Central Television station. She is notable for numerous programs including the prime-time military program Defense Watch. In 2009 she was suspected of spying for Taiwan.