Françoise Rosay


Is Françoise Rosay Dead or Still Alive? Françoise Rosay Birthday and Date of Death

Françoise Rosay

Françoise Rosay Death

Francoise passed away on March 28, 1974 at the age of 82.

Françoise Rosay death quick facts:
  • When did Françoise Rosay die?

    March 28, 1974
  • How old was Françoise Rosay when died?


Françoise Rosay Birthday and Date of Death

Françoise Rosay was born on April 19, 1891 and died on March 28, 1974. Francoise was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 19, 1891
Date of Death: March 28, 1974
Age at Death: 82

Françoise Rosay - Biography

Françoise Rosay (19 April 1891 – 28 March 1974) was a French opera singer, diseuse, and actress who enjoyed a film career of over sixty years and who became a legendary figure in French cinema. She went on to appear in over 100 movies in her career.