Francis Tumblety


Is Francis Tumblety Dead or Still Alive? Francis Tumblety Birthday and Date of Death

Francis Tumblety

Francis Tumblety Death

Francis passed away on May 28, 1903 at the age of 70 in St. Louis. Francis's cause of death was heart disease.

Francis Tumblety death quick facts:
  • When did Francis Tumblety die?

    May 28, 1903
  • How did Francis Tumblety die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart disease
  • How old was Francis Tumblety when died?

  • Where did Francis Tumblety die? What was the location of death?

    St. Louis

Francis Tumblety Birthday and Date of Death

Francis Tumblety was born in 1833 and died on May 28, 1903. Francis was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1833
Date of Death: May 28, 1903
Age at Death: 70

Is Francis Tumblety's father, James, dead or alive?

Francis Tumblety's father, James, is still alive and kicking.

Is Francis Tumblety's mother, Margaret, dead or alive?

Francis Tumblety's mother, Margaret, is still alive and kicking at the age of 33. She is Polish and has had a career as a fashion blogger, singer.

Francis Tumblety - Biography

Francis Tumblety was an Irish-born American mountebank and medical quack who earned a small fortune posing as an "Indian Herb" doctor throughout the United States and Canada. He was an eccentric self-promoter and was often in trouble with the law. He has been put forward as a suspect in the notorious and still unsolved Jack the Ripper murder spree in Whitechapel, London, in autumn 1888.