Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans


Is Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans Dead or Still Alive? Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans Birthday and Date of Death

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans Death

Françoise passed away on January 14, 1664 at the age of 15.

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans death quick facts:
  • When did Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans die?

    January 14, 1664
  • How old was Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans when died?


Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans Birthday and Date of Death

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans was born on October 13, 1648 and died on January 14, 1664. Françoise was 15 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 13, 1648
Date of Death: January 14, 1664
Age at Death: 15

Is Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans's father, Gaston, dead or alive?

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans's father, Gaston, is still alive and kicking. He is French and has had a career as a hunter.

Is Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans's mother, Marguerite of Lorraine, dead or alive?

Marguerite of Lorraine's information is not available now.

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans - Biography

Françoise Madeleine d'Orléans was born a Princess of France and was the Duchess of Savoy as the first wife of Charles Emmanuel II. She was a first cousin of Louis XIV as well of her husband. She was the shortest Savoyard consort dying at the age of fifteen, childless.