Fred Baczewski


Is Fred Baczewski Dead or Still Alive? Fred Baczewski Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Baczewski

Fred Baczewski Death

Frederic passed away on November 14, 1976 at the age of 50 in Culver City, CA.

Fred Baczewski death quick facts:
  • When did Fred Baczewski die?

    November 14, 1976
  • How old was Fred Baczewski when died?

  • Where did Fred Baczewski die? What was the location of death?

    Culver City, CA

Fred Baczewski Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Baczewski was born on May 15, 1926 and died on November 14, 1976. Frederic was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 15, 1926
Date of Death: November 14, 1976
Age at Death: 50

Fred Baczewski - Biography

Fredereric John "Lefty" Baczewski (born May 15, 1926) was a left-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball for the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago Cubs. After some time in the independent minor leagues, Baczewski was purchased from his Shreveport club in October 1949 by the Cubs for $30,000 and a player to be named. He worked his way up through the Cubs' minor league system and made his debut with the parent club on April 26, 1953.