Fred Haney


Is Fred Haney Dead or Still Alive? Fred Haney Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Haney

Fred Haney Death

Fred passed away on November 9, 1977 at the age of 81 in Beverly Hills, CA.

Fred Haney death quick facts:
  • When did Fred Haney die?

    November 9, 1977
  • How old was Fred Haney when died?

  • Where did Fred Haney die? What was the location of death?

    Beverly Hills, CA

Fred Haney Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Haney was born on April 25, 1896 and died on November 9, 1977. Fred was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 25, 1896
Date of Death: November 9, 1977
Age at Death: 81

Fred Haney - Biography

Fred Girard Haney (April 25, 1896 – November 9, 1977) was an American third baseman, manager, coach and executive in Major League Baseball. As a manager, he won two pennants and a world championship with the Milwaukee Braves and, as an executive, he was the first general manager of the expansion |Los Angeles Angels of the American League. Indeed, for years Haney was one of the most popular baseball figures in Los Angeles. In 1974 he was presented with the King of Baseball award given by Minor League Baseball.