Gabriela Endringer


Is Gabriela Endringer Dead or Still Alive? Gabriela Endringer Birthday and Age

Gabriela Endringer

How Old Is Gabriela Endringer? Gabriela Endringer Birthday

Gabriela Endringer was born in 1981 and is 43 years old now.

Birthday: 1981
How Old - Age: 43

Gabriela Endringer Death Fact Check

Gabriela is alive and kicking and is currently 43 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Gabriela Endringer - Biography

Gabriela was born in 1981 in Brazil before her family moved to Portugal. Her father is a policeman.Gabi works at a gym in Sintra, near Lisbon where she is a fitness instructor. She was previously married to a fitness instructor before she met Cristiano in a nightclub and exchanged numbers. Gabi was first noticed by the press in February 2009 while holding up a Cristiano sign.Ronaldo hired a car to get her to his country’s friendly win over Finland last month sparking interest to the press.Endringer kept a low profile until she appeared in an issue of May 2009 FHM where she spilled the beans about their relationship.