George Yardley


Is George Yardley Dead or Still Alive? George Yardley Birthday and Date of Death

George Yardley

George Yardley Death

George passed away on August 13, 2004 at the age of 75.

George Yardley death quick facts:
  • When did George Yardley die?

    August 13, 2004
  • How old was George Yardley when died?


George Yardley Birthday and Date of Death

George Yardley was born on November 3, 1928 and died on August 13, 2004. George was 75 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 3, 1928
Date of Death: August 13, 2004
Age at Death: 75

George Yardley - Biography

George Harry Yardley III (November 3, 1928 – August 13, 2004) was an American basketball player. He was the first player in NBA history to score 2,000 points in one season, breaking the 1,932-point record held by George Mikan. Yardley was enshrined in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1996.