Giuseppe Addobbati


Is Giuseppe Addobbati Dead or Still Alive? Giuseppe Addobbati Birthday and Date of Death

Giuseppe Addobbati

Giuseppe Addobbati Death

Giuseppe passed away on January 4, 1986 at the age of 76.

Giuseppe Addobbati death quick facts:
  • When did Giuseppe Addobbati die?

    January 4, 1986
  • How old was Giuseppe Addobbati when died?


Giuseppe Addobbati Birthday and Date of Death

Giuseppe Addobbati was born on December 31, 1909 and died on January 4, 1986. Giuseppe was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 31, 1909
Date of Death: January 4, 1986
Age at Death: 76

Giuseppe Addobbati - Biography

Giuseppe Addobbati (December 31, 1909 – January 4, 1986) was an Italian film actor known for his roles in Spaghetti Western and action films in the 1960s and 1970s. He was often billed as John MacDouglas for films released to an American audience.