Gordon Tootoosis


Is Gordon Tootoosis Dead or Still Alive? Gordon Tootoosis Birthday and Date of Death

Gordon Tootoosis

Gordon Tootoosis Death

Gordon passed away on July 5, 2011 at the age of 69 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.. Gordon's cause of death was pneumonia.

Gordon Tootoosis death quick facts:
  • When did Gordon Tootoosis die?

    July 5, 2011
  • How did Gordon Tootoosis die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Gordon Tootoosis when died?

  • Where did Gordon Tootoosis die? What was the location of death?

    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Gordon Tootoosis Birthday and Date of Death

Gordon Tootoosis was born on October 25, 1941 and died on July 5, 2011. Gordon was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 25, 1941
Date of Death: July 5, 2011
Age at Death: 69

Gordon Tootoosis - Biography

Gordon Tootoosis CM (October 25, 1941 – July 5, 2011) was a First Nations actor. He was of Cree and Stoney descent. Tootoosis was a descendant of Yellow Mud Blanket, brother of the famous Cree leader Pitikwahanapiwiyin. He was acclaimed for his commitment to preserving his culture and to telling his people's stories. He served as a founding member of the board of directors of the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company. Tootoosis offered encouragement, support and training to aspiring Aboriginal actors. He served as a leading Cree activist both as a social worker and as a band chief. In Open Season and Boog and Elliot's Midnight Bun Run, Tootoosis was the voice of Sheriff Gordy.