Grace Jones


Is Grace Jones Dead or Still Alive? Grace Jones Birthday and Age

Grace Jones

How Old Is Grace Jones? Grace Jones Birthday

Grace Jones was born on May 19, 1948 and is 76 years old now.

Birthday: May 19, 1948
How Old - Age: 76

Grace Jones Death Fact Check

Grace is alive and kicking and is currently 76 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Grace Jones's father, William Jones, dead or alive?

Grace Jones's father, William Jones, is still alive and kicking at the age of 70. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

Is Grace Jones's mother, Marjorie Jones, dead or alive?

Marjorie Jones's information is not available now.

Grace Jones's brother :

  • Noel Jones

Grace Jones - Biography

Grace Jones is a Jamaican singer, lyricist, supermodel, record producer, and actress. She was born in Spanish Town, Jamaica and raised by her grandparents. At 13 she moved with her siblings to their parents' home in Syracuse, New York. Jones started out as a model, initially in New York state, then in Paris, working for Yves St. Laurent, Claude Montana, and Kenzo Takada, and appearing on the covers of Elle, Vogue, and Stern working with Helmut Newton, Guy Bourdin, and Hans Feurer.
Jones' father was strict and their relationship was strained. According to his particular denomination's beliefs, one should only use one's singing ability to glorify God. Bishop Robert W. Jones died on 7 May 2008. Her mother, Marjorie, always supported Jones' career (she sings on "Williams' Blood" and "My Jamaican Guy") but could not be publicly associated with her music. Marjorie's father, William, was also a musician, and played with Nat King Cole.

Through her relationship with longtime collaborator Jean-Paul Goude, Jones has one son, Paulo. From Paulo, Jones has one granddaughter. Jones married Atila Altaunbay in 1996. She disputes rumors that she married Chris Stanley in her 2015 memoir I'll Never Write My Memoirs, saying, "The truth is, I only ever married one of my boyfriends, Atila Altaunbay, a Muslim from Turkey." She spent four years with Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren, her former bodyguard; she was the one who got him a part as a KGB officer in A View to a Kill. Jones started dating Danish actor and stuntman Sven-Ole Thorsen in 1990, and was in an open relationship as of 2007.