Harry Graves


Is Harry Graves Dead or Still Alive? Harry Graves Birthday and Date of Death

Harry Graves

Harry Graves Death

Harry passed away on August 27, 1994.

Harry Graves death quick facts:
  • When did Harry Graves die?

    August 27, 1994
  • How old was Harry Graves when died?


Harry Graves Birthday and Date of Death

Harry Graves died on August 27, 1994.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: August 27, 1994
Age at Death: -

Harry Graves - Biography

Harry Graves was born circa 1914 and was a painter.He married Elsie Gleave Starkey on April 17th 1943 and he became Richard Starkey's step-father.Harry became widower in 1987, when Elsie died, but he was very close to his step-son Richard Starkey, until his death on August 27th 1994.