Hattie McDaniel


Is Hattie McDaniel Dead or Still Alive? Hattie McDaniel Birthday and Date of Death

Hattie McDaniel

Hattie McDaniel Death

Hattie passed away on October 26, 1952 at the age of 57 in Woodland Hills, California, USA. Hattie's cause of death was breast cancer.

Hattie McDaniel death quick facts:
  • When did Hattie McDaniel die?

    October 26, 1952
  • How did Hattie McDaniel die? What was the cause of death?

    Breast cancer
  • How old was Hattie McDaniel when died?

  • Where did Hattie McDaniel die? What was the location of death?

    Woodland Hills, California, USA

Hattie McDaniel Birthday and Date of Death

Hattie McDaniel was born on June 10, 1895 and died on October 26, 1952. Hattie was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 10, 1895
Date of Death: October 26, 1952
Age at Death: 57

Is Hattie McDaniel's father, Henry McDaniel, dead or alive?

Henry McDaniel's information is not available now.

Is Hattie McDaniel's mother, Susan Holbert, dead or alive?

Susan Holbert's information is not available now.

Hattie McDaniel's sisters :

Hattie has 2 sisters:
  • Etta McDaniel
  • Orlena McDaniel

Hattie McDaniel's brothers :

Hattie has 2 brothers:
  • Sam McDaniel
  • Otis McDaniel

Hattie McDaniel - Biography

Hattie McDaniel was an American actress, singer-songwriter, and comedienne. She is best known for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind for which she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, making her the first African American to win an Academy Award. She is also best known for the voice of Hyacinth Hippo in Fantasia.
McDaniel has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood: one at 6933 Hollywood Boulevard for her contributions to radio and one at 1719 Vine Street for acting in motion pictures. In 1975, she was inducted into the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame and in 2006 became the first black Oscar winner honored with a US postage stamp.

In August, 1950, McDaniel suffered a heart ailment and entered Temple Hospital in semi-critical condition. She was released in October to recuperate at home, and she was cited by United Press on Jan. 3, 1951, as showing "slight improvement in her recovery from a mild stroke."
McDaniel died of breast cancer at age 59 on October 26, 1952, in the hospital on the grounds of the Motion Picture House in Woodland Hills, California. She was survived by her brother Sam McDaniel. Thousands of mourners turned out to celebrate her life and achievements. In her will, McDaniel wrote, "I desire a white casket and a white shroud; white gardenias in my hair and in my hands, together with a white gardenia blanket and a pillow of red roses. I also wish to be buried in the Hollywood Cemetery"; Hollywood Cemetery, on Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood, is the resting place of movie stars such as Douglas Fairbanks and Rudolph Valentino. Its owner at the time, Jules Roth, refused to allow her to be buried there, because, at the time of McDaniel's death, the cemetery practiced racial segregation and would not accept the remains of black people for burial. Her second choice was Rosedale Cemetery (now known as Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery), where she lies today.