Heather Locklear


Is Heather Locklear Dead or Still Alive? Heather Locklear Birthday and Age

Heather Locklear

How Old Is Heather Locklear? Heather Locklear Birthday

Heather Locklear was born on September 25, 1961 and is 63 years old now.

Birthday: September 25, 1961
How Old - Age: 63

Heather Locklear Death Fact Check

Heather is alive and kicking and is currently 63 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Heather Locklear's father, Bill Locklear, dead or alive?

Bill Locklear's information is not available now.

Is Heather Locklear's mother, Diane Locklear, dead or alive?

Diane Locklear's information is not available now.

Heather Locklear's sisters :

Heather has 2 sisters:
  • Colleen Locklear
  • Laurie Locklear

Heather Locklear's brother :

  • Mark Locklear

Heather Locklear's pets, dead or alive?

  • Harley (Dog - maltese)
  • Sophia (Dog - maltese poo)
  • Fifi (Dog - maltese)
  • Sasha (Dog - rottweiler she had with tommy lee)
  • Davidson (Dog - maltese)

Heather Locklear - Biography

Heather Deen Locklear is an American actress. She is known for her role as Amanda Woodward on Melrose Place, for which she received four consecutive Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress - Television Series Drama. Her other notable television roles include Sammy Jo Carrington on Dynasty, Officer Stacy Sheridan on T.J. Hooker and Caitlin Moore on Spin City, for which she earned a further two Golden Globe nominations for Best Actress - Television Series Musical or Comedy. She had a recurring role on the TV Land sitcom Hot in Cleveland and a main role on the TNT drama-comedy television series Franklin & Bash in 2013.