Henry de Montherlant


Is Henry de Montherlant Dead or Still Alive? Henry de Montherlant Birthday and Date of Death

Henry de Montherlant

Henry de Montherlant Death

Henry passed away on September 21, 1972 at the age of 77 in Paris, France. Henry's cause of death was suicide by gunshot (to the head (after swallowing a cyanide capsule)).

Henry de Montherlant death quick facts:
  • When did Henry de Montherlant die?

    September 21, 1972
  • How did Henry de Montherlant die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by gunshot (to the head (after swallowing a cyanide capsule))
  • How old was Henry de Montherlant when died?

  • Where did Henry de Montherlant die? What was the location of death?

    Paris, France

Henry de Montherlant Birthday and Date of Death

Henry de Montherlant was born on April 20, 1895 and died on September 21, 1972. Henry was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 20, 1895
Date of Death: September 21, 1972
Age at Death: 77

Henry de Montherlant - Biography

Henry Marie Joseph Frédéric Expedite Millon de Montherlant (20 April 1895 – 21 September 1972) was a French essayist, novelist, and dramatist. He was elected to the Académie française in 1960.