How Old Is Homer H. Hickam Jr.? Homer H. Hickam Jr. Birthday
Homer H. Hickam Jr. was born on February 19, 1943 and is 81 years old now.
Birthday: February 19, 1943
How Old - Age: 81
Homer H. Hickam Jr. Death Fact Check
Homer is alive and kicking and is currently 81 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Homer H. Hickam Jr. - Biography
Homer Hadley Hickam, Jr. (born February 19, 1943) is an American author, Vietnam veteran, and a former NASA engineer. His autobiographical novel Rocket Boys: A Memoir, was a No. 1 New York Times Best Seller, is studied in many American and international school systems, and was the basis for the 1999 film October Sky. Hickam has also written a number of best-selling memoirs and novels including the "Josh Thurlow" historical fiction novels. His books have been translated into several languages.