Jack Crawford


Is Jack Crawford Dead or Still Alive? Jack Crawford Birthday and Date of Death

Jack Crawford

Jack Crawford Death

Jack passed away on January 19, 1973 at the age of 56 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Jack Crawford death quick facts:
  • When did Jack Crawford die?

    January 19, 1973
  • How old was Jack Crawford when died?

  • Where did Jack Crawford die? What was the location of death?

    Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States

Jack Crawford Birthday and Date of Death

Jack Crawford was born on October 26, 1916 and died on January 19, 1973. Jack was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 26, 1916
Date of Death: January 19, 1973
Age at Death: 56

Jack Crawford - Biography

John Shea Crawford (October 26, 1916 – January 19, 1973) was a Canadian ice hockey defenceman and coach. He was born in Dublin, Ontario. Despite Crawford's preference to be called "Johnny" or "John", the media often referred to him as "Jack".