Jaime Fernández


Is Jaime Fernández Dead or Still Alive? Jaime Fernández Birthday and Date of Death

Jaime Fernández

Jaime Fernández Death

Jaime passed away on April 15, 2005 at the age of 77.

Jaime Fernández death quick facts:
  • When did Jaime Fernández die?

    April 15, 2005
  • How old was Jaime Fernández when died?


Jaime Fernández Birthday and Date of Death

Jaime Fernández was born on December 6, 1927 and died on April 15, 2005. Jaime was 77 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 6, 1927
Date of Death: April 15, 2005
Age at Death: 77

Jaime Fernández - Biography

Jaime Fernández Reyes (December 6, 1927 – April 15, 2005) was a Mexican actor. Over his career, he won 3 Silver Ariel awards - the Mexican equivalent of the Oscar - including one for what is arguably his best-known role, playing Friday in Luis Buñuel's Robinson Crusoe. He appeared in over 200 films and served as the General Secretary of the Mexican actors' union for 11 years. His older brother was actor/director Emilio Fernández.