James Douglas


Is James Douglas Dead or Still Alive? James Douglas Birthday and Date of Death

James Douglas

James Douglas Death

James passed away on March 5, 2016 at the age of 82 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States.

James Douglas death quick facts:
  • When did James Douglas die?

    March 5, 2016
  • How old was James Douglas when died?

  • Where did James Douglas die? What was the location of death?

    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States

James Douglas Birthday and Date of Death

James Douglas was born on December 16, 1933 and died on March 5, 2016. James was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 16, 1933
Date of Death: March 5, 2016
Age at Death: 82

James Douglas - Biography

James Douglas (actor) (born December 16, 1933 in Los Angeles) is an American actor probably best known for his role as Grant Colman on As the World Turns (1974–81, with return appearances in 1986 and 1989).