Jed Johnson


Is Jed Johnson Dead or Still Alive? Jed Johnson Birthday and Date of Death

Jed Johnson

Jed Johnson Death

Jed passed away on July 17, 1996 at the age of 47 in Long Island, New York. Jed's cause of death was TWA Flight 800 plane explosion.

Jed Johnson death quick facts:
  • When did Jed Johnson die?

    July 17, 1996
  • How did Jed Johnson die? What was the cause of death?

    TWA Flight 800 plane explosion
  • How old was Jed Johnson when died?

  • Where did Jed Johnson die? What was the location of death?

    Long Island, New York

Jed Johnson Birthday and Date of Death

Jed Johnson was born on December 30, 1948 and died on July 17, 1996. Jed was 47 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 30, 1948
Date of Death: July 17, 1996
Age at Death: 47

Jed Johnson's brother :

  • Jed Johnson's brother, Jay Johnson, is still alive and kicking at the age of 74. He is American and has had a career as a ventriloquist.

Jed Johnson - Biography

Jed Johnson was an American interior designer and film director. Initially hired by Andy Warhol to sweep floors at Warhol's Factory, he subsequently moved in with Warhol and became his lover.
In 1967, Johnson and his twin brother Jay moved from Minnesota to Manhattan. Two weeks later, he delivered a telegram to the Decker building which was being renovated by Paul Morrissey before it became the new home of Andy Warhol's Factory. Johnson accepted an on-the-spot job offer to sweep floors, but quickly moved into editing several films including Andy Warhol's Dracula and L'Amour, and eventually directing Andy Warhol's Bad.

He picked out a townhouse for Warhol on East 66th Street and designed its interiors. He lived there with Warhol for a number of years. Johnson was later a member of the Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board, formed the year before his death.
He was awarded the Interior Design Magazine Hall of Fame Award in 1996.
On July 17, 1996, Johnson was a passenger on TWA Flight 800. He, along with 229 other passengers and crew members, was killed when the plane exploded off the coast of Long Island, New York.