Jeff Porcaro


Is Jeff Porcaro Dead or Still Alive? Jeff Porcaro Birthday and Date of Death

Jeff Porcaro

Jeff Porcaro Death

Jeff passed away on August 5, 1992 at the age of 38.

Jeff Porcaro death quick facts:
  • When did Jeff Porcaro die?

    August 5, 1992
  • How old was Jeff Porcaro when died?


Jeff Porcaro Birthday and Date of Death

Jeff Porcaro was born on April 1, 1954 and died on August 5, 1992. Jeff was 38 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 1, 1954
Date of Death: August 5, 1992
Age at Death: 38

Jeff Porcaro - Biography

Jeffrey Thomas "Jeff" Porcaro (April 1, 1954 – August 5, 1992) was an American drummer, songwriter, and producer best known for his work with the rock band Toto. Porcaro is one of the most recorded session musicians in history, working on hundreds of albums and thousands of sessions. While already an established studio player in the 1970s, he came to prominence in the United States as the drummer on the Steely Dan album Katy Lied. AllMusic has characterized him as "arguably the most highly regarded studio drummer in rock from the mid-'70s to the early '90s", further stating that "It is no exaggeration to say that the sound of mainstream pop/rock drumming in the 1980s was, to a large extent, the sound of Jeff Porcaro." He was posthumously inducted into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame in 1993.