John Tenta


Is John Tenta Dead or Still Alive? John Tenta Birthday and Date of Death

John Tenta

John Tenta Death

John passed away on June 7, 2006 at the age of 42 in Sanford, Florida. John's cause of death was bladder cancer.

John Tenta death quick facts:
  • When did John Tenta die?

    June 7, 2006
  • How did John Tenta die? What was the cause of death?

    Bladder cancer
  • How old was John Tenta when died?

  • Where did John Tenta die? What was the location of death?

    Sanford, Florida

John Tenta Birthday and Date of Death

John Tenta was born on June 22, 1963 and died on June 7, 2006. John was 42 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 22, 1963
Date of Death: June 7, 2006
Age at Death: 42

John Tenta - Biography

John Anthony Tenta Jr. (June 22, 1963 – June 7, 2006) was a Canadian professional wrestler and sumōtori best known for his work in the World Wrestling Federation as Earthquake. After a promising start to his sumo career, using the name Kototenzan, Tenta switched to professional wrestling and became a high-profile star for the WWF, feuding with Hulk Hogan and winning the WWF Tag Team Championship with partner, and personal friend, Typhoon. His professional wrestling career also encompassed runs in World Championship Wrestling, where he was known as Avalanche and The Shark, All Japan Pro Wrestling and a return to WWF as Golga. Tenta died in 2006 after a long battle with bladder cancer.