Johnny "Guitar" Watson


Is Johnny "Guitar" Watson Dead or Still Alive? Johnny "Guitar" Watson Birthday and Date of Death

Johnny "Guitar" Watson

Johnny "Guitar" Watson Death

Johnny passed away on May 17, 1996 at the age of 61.

Johnny "Guitar" Watson death quick facts:
  • When did Johnny "Guitar" Watson die?

    May 17, 1996
  • How old was Johnny "Guitar" Watson when died?


Johnny "Guitar" Watson Birthday and Date of Death

Johnny "Guitar" Watson was born on February 3, 1935 and died on May 17, 1996. Johnny was 61 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 3, 1935
Date of Death: May 17, 1996
Age at Death: 61

Johnny "Guitar" Watson - Biography

John "Johnny 'Guitar'" Watson, Jr. (February 3, 1935 – May 17, 1996) was an American blues, soul, and funk musician and singer-songwriter. A flamboyant showman and electric guitarist in the style of T-Bone Walker, Watson recorded throughout the 1950s and 1960s with some success. His creative reinvention in the 1970s with disco and funk overtones, saw Watson have hits with "Ain't That a Bitch", "I Need It" and "Superman Lover". His successful recording career spanned forty years, with his highest chart appearance being the 1977 song "A Real Mother For Ya".