José Bohr


Is José Bohr Dead or Still Alive? José Bohr Birthday and Date of Death

José Bohr

José Bohr Death

José passed away on May 29, 1994 at the age of 92.

José Bohr death quick facts:
  • When did José Bohr die?

    May 29, 1994
  • How old was José Bohr when died?


José Bohr Birthday and Date of Death

José Bohr was born on September 3, 1901 and died on May 29, 1994. José was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 3, 1901
Date of Death: May 29, 1994
Age at Death: 92

José Bohr - Biography

Biography by Sandra BrennanActor, director, and composer Jose Bohr was one of South America's most popular movie stars and appeared in over 50 feature films, many of which were made in Argentina and Mexico. He also appeared in a few U.S. films beginning with Sombras de Gloria (1930), the first Spanish-language film made in Hollywood. His other North American efforts include Rogue of the Rio Grande (1930) and Ex-Flame (1931). His best known Mexican films include Quien Mato a Eva?/Who Killed Eva? and Luponini. His Argentine film 26 Million is considered a classic in Latin America. In addition to his feature film work, Bohr was also popular on radio and television. As a composer, he penned over 250 songs, many of which were major hits in South America. Bohr passed away on May 29, 1994, during a visit to Oslo, Norway.