Karen Darvin


Is Karen Darvin Dead or Still Alive? Karen Darvin Birthday and Age

Karen Darvin

How Old Is Karen Darvin? Karen Darvin Birthday

Karen Darvin was born on January 5, 1955 and is 70 years old now.

Birthday: January 5, 1955
How Old - Age: 70

Karen Darvin Death Fact Check

Karen is alive and kicking and is currently 70 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Karen Darvin - Biography

Karen 'Bean' Darvin (b. 5 january 1955 in Rochester, NY) was a successful ballerina and model.She graduated from J.J. Pearce High School (Richardson, Texas) before graduating in Communications for the University of Texas at Austin.Darvin was in a relationship with Bruce Springsteen (ca. 1975 - 1977), and was often seen on tour with him. Afterwards she and Todd Rundgren fell in love and they went on to have two sons together, Rex and Randy. She was the tiny dancer in his music video "Can We Still Be Friends" from Rundgren's "Hermit of Mink Hollow" album (1978). Their relationship lasted 7 years, until 1985. They are still friends to this day. Karen still works as a model.