Karen Steele


Is Karen Steele Dead or Still Alive? Karen Steele Birthday and Date of Death

Karen Steele

Karen Steele Death

Karen passed away on March 12, 1988 at the age of 56 in Kingman, Arizona, USA. Karen's cause of death was cancer.

Karen Steele death quick facts:
  • When did Karen Steele die?

    March 12, 1988
  • How did Karen Steele die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Karen Steele when died?

  • Where did Karen Steele die? What was the location of death?

    Kingman, Arizona, USA

Karen Steele Birthday and Date of Death

Karen Steele was born on March 20, 1931 and died on March 12, 1988. Karen was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 20, 1931
Date of Death: March 12, 1988
Age at Death: 56

Karen Steele - Biography

Karen Steele (March 20, 1931 – March 12, 1988) was an American actress and model with more than 60 roles in film and television. Her most famous roles include starring as Virginia in Marty, as Mrs Lane in Ride Lonesome, and as Eve McHuron in the Star Trek episode "Mudd's Women".
Steele's first acting job was in a radio play titled Let George Do It. She subsequently appeared in the films The Clown (in an uncredited role, 1953) and Man Crazy (also 1953) as Marge.

The following year, she landed the role of Millie Darrow in "So False and So Fair" on the television anthology Studio 57, but a supporting role in Marty (1955) was her highest profile film role. She played Virginia and got the part because director, Delbert Mann, had confused her with an actress from New York who he and writer Paddy Chayevsky had intended to play it.
In later life, she settled in Golden Valley, Arizona, and married Dr. Maurice Boyd Ruland, a psychiatrist at the Mohave Mental Health Clinic. They were married until her death from cancer at age 56 at the Kingman Regional Medical Center in Kingman, Arizona.