Ken Berry


Is Ken Berry Dead or Still Alive? Ken Berry Birthday and Date of Death

Ken Berry

Ken Berry Death

Ken passed away on December 1, 2018 at the age of 85 in Burbank, California, USA.

Ken Berry death quick facts:
  • When did Ken Berry die?

    December 1, 2018
  • How old was Ken Berry when died?

  • Where did Ken Berry die? What was the location of death?

    Burbank, California, USA

Ken Berry Birthday and Date of Death

Ken Berry was born on November 3, 1933 and died on December 1, 2018. Ken was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 3, 1933
Date of Death: December 1, 2018
Age at Death: 85

Ken Berry - Biography

Kenneth Ronald "Ken" Berry (born November 3, 1933) is an American sitcom actor, dancer and singer. Berry has appeared in multiple television shows, one with his friend and mentor, Andy Griffith. Berry starred in the successful comedies F Troop, The Andy Griffith Show spin-off Mayberry R.F.D., and The Carol Burnett Show spin-off Mama's Family. He also appeared on Broadway in The Billy Barnes Revue, has headlined as George M. Cohan in the musical George M! and provided comic relief for the medical drama Dr. Kildare, with Richard Chamberlain in the 1960s.
Berry was born in Moline in Rock Island County in northwestern Illinois, one of two children of an accountant, Darrell Berry, and his wife, Bernice. Berry was of Swedish-English descent.

Berry realized he wanted to be a dancer and singer at age 12, as he watched a children's dance performance during a school assembly. He dreamed of starring in movie musicals and went to the movie theater to see Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly in some of his favorite films, including Easter Parade, Royal Wedding, On the Town, and Summer Stock.
Berry married Jackie Joseph, a Billy Barnes castmate on May 29, 1960. They adopted two children together: son John Kenneth in 1964 and daughter Jennifer Kate in 1965. They divorced in 1976. His son John, who later became the co-founder of the Indie rock band Idaho, died in 2016 of brain cancer at the age of 51.
Berry "loved cars and anything with wheels" from the time he was a young child, particularly smaller cars, and maintained a 1966 Mini Moke. An avid motorcyclist, he camped and rode the local Los Angeles mountain ranges.