Kenny Easterday


Is Kenny Easterday Dead or Still Alive? Kenny Easterday Birthday and Date of Death

Kenny Easterday

Kenny Easterday Death

Kenny passed away on February 12, 2016 at the age of 42 in Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA. Kenny's cause of death was complications due to sacral agenesis.

Kenny Easterday death quick facts:
  • When did Kenny Easterday die?

    February 12, 2016
  • How did Kenny Easterday die? What was the cause of death?

    Complications due to sacral agenesis
  • How old was Kenny Easterday when died?

  • Where did Kenny Easterday die? What was the location of death?

    Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA

Kenny Easterday Birthday and Date of Death

Kenny Easterday was born on December 11, 1973 and died on February 12, 2016. Kenny was 42 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 11, 1973
Date of Death: February 12, 2016
Age at Death: 42

Kenny Easterday - Biography

Kenneth "Kenny" Easterday (born December 7, 1973) is an American man born with a rare disability called sacral agenesis. To improve his mobility, his legs were amputated at the hip when he was six months old.
The amputations took place in two stages. The first amputation surgery took Easterday's shin bones, which were used to replace his missing spinal column. At the time of Easterday's first amputation surgery he was only expected to live six months to one year. At six months of age, Easterday underwent a second and final amputation surgery which involved amputating the rest of his remaining legs at the hips.

Easterday gained some notoriety following the 1988 release of the Canadian movie The Kid Brother (1988, also known as Kenny), in which he played a fictionalized version of himself.
He was a regular on The Jerry Springer Show in which he functioned as "The Messenger." He was also the focus of a 2010 TLC special titled "The Man with Half a Body".