Lara Parker


Is Lara Parker Dead or Still Alive? Lara Parker Birthday and Date of Death

Lara Parker

Lara Parker Death

Lara passed away on October 12, 2023 at the age of 84 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Lara Parker death quick facts:
  • When did Lara Parker die?

    October 12, 2023
  • How old was Lara Parker when died?

  • Where did Lara Parker die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Lara Parker Birthday and Date of Death

Lara Parker was born on October 27, 1938 and died on October 12, 2023. Lara was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 27, 1938
Date of Death: October 12, 2023
Age at Death: 84

Lara Parker - Biography

Lara Parker (born October 27, 1938) is an American television, stage, and film actress best known for her role as Angelique on the cult ABC-TV serial Dark Shadows which aired from 1966 to 1971.
Parker was married to Jim Hawkins, a building contractor. They had a daughter, Caitlin. Parker had two sons, Rick and Andy, both from her first marriage to artist Tom Parker: Rick was a successful record producer, Andy a contractor. Caitlin Hawkins is a set designer and stylist for videos and commercials. Lara's son Rick is married to singer Miranda Lee Richards.