Lee Eastman


Is Lee Eastman Dead or Still Alive? Lee Eastman Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Eastman

Lee Eastman Death

Lee passed away on July 30, 1991 at the age of 81 in New York, NY, USA.

Lee Eastman death quick facts:
  • When did Lee Eastman die?

    July 30, 1991
  • How old was Lee Eastman when died?

  • Where did Lee Eastman die? What was the location of death?

    New York, NY, USA

Lee Eastman Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Eastman was born on January 12, 1910 and died on July 30, 1991. Lee was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 12, 1910
Date of Death: July 30, 1991
Age at Death: 81

Lee Eastman - Biography

Lee Eastman, born Leopold Vail Epstein, (12 January 1910 - 30 July 1991) was a New York show business attorney, and art collector the son of Louis (b. Russia ~1887, imm. 1906) and Stella (Freyer) Epstein. His sisters were Emmaline and Rose. He married Louise Lindner, heiress to the Lindner Department Store fortune; they had four children, including John Eastman and Linda McCartney, the late wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney.
Eastman became McCartney's business manager shortly before the breakup of The Beatles while his son John represented McCartney during his 1970 lawsuit to legally dissolve the Beatles. He is the maternal grandfather of potter Heather McCartney, photographer Mary McCartney, fashion designer Stella McCartney, and musician/sculptor James Louis McCartney. Eastman was also the friend and longtime lawyer for and collector of the works of the Abstract expressionist painter Willem de Kooning.

When the Beatles' company Apple Corps was in business trouble early in 1969, Eastman and Allen Klein were both considered to take the reins of the company, and of the band's careers. John Lennon favoured Klein. Lennon said he was impressed that Klein knew Lennon's lyrics, and understood them, and that Klein was very intelligent.
George Harrison and Ringo Starr chose Klein, though Lennon said in 1970 that he maneuvered Klein into Apple. McCartney wanted Eastman, but was out-voted 3-1. For a short period, Klein managed Apple and the personal careers of Lennon, Harrison, and Starr while Eastman was the corporate counsel and managed McCartney. The Klein/Eastman combination did not work, and after a contentious meeting, Eastman was out. Subsequent disagreements over decisions made by Klein and the other Beatles prompted McCartney—represented by Eastman—to sue them to dissolve the partnership, and he eventually succeeded.