Louise Huntington


Is Louise Huntington Dead or Still Alive? Louise Huntington Birthday and Date of Death

Louise Huntington

Louise Huntington Death

Louise passed away on June 2, 1997 at the age of 92 in Summit, New Jersey. Louise's cause of death was natural causes.

Louise Huntington death quick facts:
  • When did Louise Huntington die?

    June 2, 1997
  • How did Louise Huntington die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Louise Huntington when died?

  • Where did Louise Huntington die? What was the location of death?

    Summit, New Jersey

Louise Huntington Birthday and Date of Death

Louise Huntington was born on December 1, 1904 and died on June 2, 1997. Louise was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 1, 1904
Date of Death: June 2, 1997
Age at Death: 92

Louise Huntington - Biography

Louise Huntington (born in Dallas, Texas on November 1, 1904), was a stage and screen actress appearing on Broadway in the 1920s and on screen in the 1930s.