Luís de Sttau Monteiro


Is Luís de Sttau Monteiro Dead or Still Alive? Luís de Sttau Monteiro Birthday and Date of Death

Luís de Sttau Monteiro

Luís de Sttau Monteiro Death

Luís passed away on July 23, 1993 at the age of 67.

Luís de Sttau Monteiro death quick facts:
  • When did Luís de Sttau Monteiro die?

    July 23, 1993
  • How old was Luís de Sttau Monteiro when died?


Luís de Sttau Monteiro Birthday and Date of Death

Luís de Sttau Monteiro was born on April 3, 1926 and died on July 23, 1993. Luís was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 3, 1926
Date of Death: July 23, 1993
Age at Death: 67

Luís de Sttau Monteiro - Biography

Luís Infante de Lacerda Sttau Monteiro (April 3, 1926 – July 23, 1993) was a Portuguese writer, novelist and playwright, a man to whom "the only sacred thing was to be free as the wind".