Lucio Fulci


Is Lucio Fulci Dead or Still Alive? Lucio Fulci Birthday and Date of Death

Lucio Fulci

Lucio Fulci Death

Lucio passed away on March 13, 1996 at the age of 68 in Rome, Latium, Italy. Lucio's cause of death was diabetes-related illness.

Lucio Fulci death quick facts:
  • When did Lucio Fulci die?

    March 13, 1996
  • How did Lucio Fulci die? What was the cause of death?

    Diabetes-related illness
  • How old was Lucio Fulci when died?

  • Where did Lucio Fulci die? What was the location of death?

    Rome, Latium, Italy

Lucio Fulci Birthday and Date of Death

Lucio Fulci was born on June 17, 1927 and died on March 13, 1996. Lucio was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 17, 1927
Date of Death: March 13, 1996
Age at Death: 68

Lucio Fulci - Biography

Lucio Fulci (17 June 1927 – 13 March 1996) was an Italian film director, screenwriter and actor. He is perhaps best known for his gore films, including Zombi 2 (1979) and The Beyond (1981), although he made films in genres as diverse as giallo, western and comedy. Fulci is known as the "Godfather of Gore", a title also given to Herschell Gordon Lewis.