Lucy Appleby


Is Lucy Appleby Dead or Still Alive? Lucy Appleby Birthday and Date of Death

Lucy Appleby

Lucy Appleby Death

Lucy passed away on April 24, 2008 at the age of 88.

Lucy Appleby death quick facts:
  • When did Lucy Appleby die?

    April 24, 2008
  • How old was Lucy Appleby when died?


Lucy Appleby Birthday and Date of Death

Lucy Appleby was born on February 1, 1920 and died on April 24, 2008. Lucy was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 1, 1920
Date of Death: April 24, 2008
Age at Death: 88

Is Lucy Appleby's father, Basil Appleby, dead or alive?

Basil Appleby's information is not available now.

Is Lucy Appleby's mother, Anne Padwick, dead or alive?

Lucy Appleby's mother, Anne Padwick, is still alive and kicking at the age of 99. She is British and has had a career as an actress.

Lucy Appleby - Biography

Lucy Appleby is an actress, known for A Stitch in Time, Ballad in Blue and Whose Child Am I? (1976).
The Applebys' cheese company was founded in 1952. The stables at Hawkstone Abbey Farm were converted into a dairy where Appleby made cloth-bound Cheshire cheese to a traditional recipe using unpasteurised milk from their herd of Friesian cattle.

Appleby's ambition was to revive a cheese that had been made on 2000 farms as recently as 1914 but whose production had declined to less than 50 producers by the time Lucy started the Appleby's cheese company. In 2017, the Appleby family was the only remaining regular producer of unpasteurised milk farmhouse Cheshire.
After leaving college she met farmer Lancelot Appleby, whom she married 16 October 1940. She made the Lighteach cheese on her wedding day. They lived for two years near the village of Malpas, Cheshire, before moving to Lance's family farm, Hawkstone Abbey Farm, situated on the edge of the Cheshire Plain in North Shropshire. Over the following decade Lucy and Lance had seven children: Edward, Helen, John, Margaret, Rachel, Robert and Ruth. After raising her children she returned to cheese-making using her own recipe.
Lance Appleby died in 2003 and her son, Robert, died in 2002. Lucy Appleby died on 24 April 2008.