Luigi Ugolini


Is Luigi Ugolini Dead or Still Alive? Luigi Ugolini Birthday and Date of Death

Luigi Ugolini

Luigi Ugolini Death

Luigi passed away on June 22, 1980 at the age of 88 in Florence, Italy.

Luigi Ugolini death quick facts:
  • When did Luigi Ugolini die?

    June 22, 1980
  • How old was Luigi Ugolini when died?

  • Where did Luigi Ugolini die? What was the location of death?

    Florence, Italy

Luigi Ugolini Birthday and Date of Death

Luigi Ugolini was born on June 25, 1891 and died on June 22, 1980. Luigi was 88 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 25, 1891
Date of Death: June 22, 1980
Age at Death: 88

Luigi Ugolini - Biography

Luigi Ugolini (June 25, 1891 – June 22, 1980) was an Italian writer. He is best known for his series of fictionalized biographies of Italian leaders in art and science, and for a volume of work that immortalizes traditions, values and ways of life of Tuscany and Florence. Ugolini left an early career as a lawyer to write, and his literary works, many of which are inducted as scholastic required reading in Italian schools, earned a worldwide reputation and several prestigious literary awards. He was also a painter, an expert ornithologist and gastronome.