Luther Adler


Is Luther Adler Dead or Still Alive? Luther Adler Birthday and Date of Death

Luther Adler

Luther Adler Death

Luther passed away on December 8, 1984 at the age of 81 in Kutztown, Pennsylvania, USA.

Luther Adler death quick facts:
  • When did Luther Adler die?

    December 8, 1984
  • How old was Luther Adler when died?

  • Where did Luther Adler die? What was the location of death?

    Kutztown, Pennsylvania, USA

Luther Adler Birthday and Date of Death

Luther Adler was born on May 4, 1903 and died on December 8, 1984. Luther was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 4, 1903
Date of Death: December 8, 1984
Age at Death: 81

Is Luther Adler's father, Jacob P. Adler, dead or alive?

Jacob P. Adler's information is not available now.

Is Luther Adler's mother, Sara Adler, dead or alive?

Sara Adler's information is not available now.

Luther Adler's sisters :

Luther has 3 sisters:
  • Julia Adler
  • Luther Adler's sister, Stella Adler, died on December 21, 1992 as he was 91 years old. His cause of death was heart failure.

  • Ceclia Adler

Luther Adler's brothers :

Luther has 3 brothers:
  • Luther Adler's brother, Charles Adler, is still alive and kicking at the age of 70. He is Canadian and has had a career as a writer, broadcaster and political commentator.

  • Luther Adler's brother, Jay Adler, died on September 23, 1978 as he was 81 years old.

  • Abram Adler

Luther Adler - Biography

Luther Adler was an American actor best known for his work in theatre, but who also worked in film and television. He also directed plays on Broadway.