Lykke Li


Is Lykke Li Dead or Still Alive? Lykke Li Birthday and Age

Lykke Li

How Old Is Lykke Li? Lykke Li Birthday

Lykke Li was born on March 18, 1986 and is 38 years old now.

Birthday: March 18, 1986
How Old - Age: 38

Lykke Li Death Fact Check

Li is alive and kicking and is currently 38 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lykke Li - Biography

Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson (born 18March 1986), known as Lykke Li is a Swedish singer, songwriter and model. Her music often blends elements of indie pop, dream pop and electronic; instruments in her songs include violins, synthesisers, tambourines, trumpets, saxophones, cellos, and African drums. Li possesses the vocal range of a soprano. Li's debut album, Youth Novels, was released in 2008. Her second album, Wounded Rhymes, was released in 2011, followed by her third album, I Never Learn, in 2014.