Madonna Swan


Is Madonna Swan Dead or Still Alive? Madonna Swan Birthday and Date of Death

Madonna Swan

Madonna Swan Death

Madonna passed away in 1993 at the age of 64.

Madonna Swan death quick facts:
  • When did Madonna Swan die?

  • How old was Madonna Swan when died?


Madonna Swan Birthday and Date of Death

Madonna Swan was born on September 12, 1928 and died in 1993. Madonna was 64 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 12, 1928
Date of Death: 1993
Age at Death: 64

Madonna Swan - Biography

Madonna Mary Swan-Abdalla (September 12, 1928 – 1993) was an American Indian woman Lakota. Born on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, Madonna Swan prevailed over extreme difficulties including the Native American tuberculosis epidemic of the 20th century to lead a fulfilled life. She overcame the terrible conditions of socio-economic deprivation, restricted education, poor health care, and confinement to the Indian tuberculosis sanatorium and the reservation, to attend college, become a Head Start teacher, marry, raise a child, and be named Native American Woman of the Year. Madonna Swan become an inspiration to both Indian and non-Indian women.