María de Villota Death
María passed away on October 11, 2013 at the age of 33 in Sevilla, Spain. María's cause of death was cardiac arrest.
When did María de Villota die?
October 11, 2013How did María de Villota die? What was the cause of death?
Cardiac arrestHow old was María de Villota when died?
33Where did María de Villota die? What was the location of death?
Sevilla, Spain
María de Villota Birthday and Date of Death
María de Villota was born on January 13, 1980 and died on October 11, 2013. María was 33 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 13, 1980
Date of Death: October 11, 2013
Age at Death: 33
Is María de Villota's father, Emílio de Villota, dead or alive?
Emílio de Villota's information is not available now.
María de Villota's brother :
- Emilio de Villota Jr.
María de Villota - Biography
María de Villota Comba (13 January 1980 – 11 October 2013) was a Spanish racing driver. She was the daughter of former Formula One driver Emilio de Villota, and sister of Emilio de Villota Jr., who similarly competed in Formula Palmer Audi. Prior to her death, de Villota was recovering from serious head and facial injuries, sustained during an accident in straight-line testing as the Marussia Formula One team test driver.