Margaret Augusta Eliot


Is Margaret Augusta Eliot Dead or Still Alive? Margaret Augusta Eliot Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Augusta Eliot

Margaret Augusta Eliot Death

Margaret passed away on February 27, 2011 at the age of 97. Margaret's cause of death was dementia.

Margaret Augusta Eliot death quick facts:
  • When did Margaret Augusta Eliot die?

    February 27, 2011
  • How did Margaret Augusta Eliot die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Margaret Augusta Eliot when died?


Margaret Augusta Eliot Birthday and Date of Death

Margaret Augusta Eliot was born on February 26, 1914 and died on February 27, 2011. Margaret was 97 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 26, 1914
Date of Death: February 27, 2011
Age at Death: 97

Is Margaret Augusta Eliot's father, Edward Granville Eliot, dead or alive?

Edward Granville Eliot's information is not available now.

Is Margaret Augusta Eliot's mother, Clare Louise née Phelips, dead or alive?

Clare Louise née Phelips's information is not available now.

Margaret Augusta Eliot - Biography

Margaret Augusta Eliot was an English music teacher and musician. She was a professor of oboe at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and her best-known student was George Martin; in 2011, just before her death at age 97, she appeared in the documentary film Produced by George Martin.