Melanie Scrofano


Is Melanie Scrofano Dead or Still Alive? Melanie Scrofano Birthday and Age

Melanie Scrofano

How Old Is Melanie Scrofano? Melanie Scrofano Birthday

Melanie Scrofano was born on December 31, 1982 and is 41 years old now.

Birthday: December 31, 1982
How Old - Age: 41

Melanie Scrofano Death Fact Check

Melanie is alive and kicking and is currently 41 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Melanie Scrofano - Biography

Melanie Scrofano is a Canadian actress. She is known for playing the roles of Rebecca on the CBC dramedy series Being Erica, October on the Showcase comedy mockumentary series Pure Pwnage, and Tia on the CTV Television Network fantasy drama series The Listener. Scrofano has played the lead role on Syfy's modern Western drama Wynonna Earp since 2016.